
JavaScript clone of *nix's `yes` command.

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yes.js NPM version

(c) 2013 Robert Bost

Author: Robert Bost

Overview: JavaScript port of *nix command Yes.

Yes.js is basically a wrapper around the setInterval and clearInterval JavaScript functions. Yes.js makes it a little easier to manage repeating interval calls.

See for examples.

class Yes


Yes.yes(callback, arg, interval)

Calls the given callback on the given interval. The given arg passed into the callback on the given interval. If the callback returns false then the repeating interval will be canceled.


callback: function, This will be called on the given interval.

arg: any, This argument will be passed into the callback.

interval: int, The interval in milliseconds to call the callback.


int, ID for this yes call. Use this ID when calling Yes.kill.


Kills a repeating interval with the given ID. If ID is false, null, undefined, or empty string then all repeating intervals that were started with calls to Yes.yes will be killed.

have kept this ID when calling Yes.yes.


id: int, The ID of the interval you wish to cancel. You should